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4.8 stars from 163 reviews

testimonial avatar female 2 ux builder element monitor arm

“Excellent fastening, high-quality metal, on mounts 5mm thick, looks reliable, weight with packing 5.75 kg, backlash no, two USB 3 ports, two ways to attach to the table.”

Marco Laurens • Google

avatar info page corporate minimal flatsome monitor arm

“Excellent, quality thing! On this monitor holder haven’t hanged yet, but there are 2 such single same firm (children put). Frees up a lot of space on the table!”

Marco Laurens • Google

testimonial avatar female 1 ux builder monitor arm

“Very happy with the purchase. Easy to install. good quality monitor”

Marco Laurens • Google

About our store

We are the top ranked store to sell monitor arms and all other items related to a perfect monitor . you are welcome to our amazing family . 


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